This is just the latest in a very long line of legal, financial and geographical barriers that Republicans have constructed to prevent women from exercising their rights to safe and affordable reproductive choices. It’s easy to become numb to the continuous erosion of your rights. But unless your Ann Coulter, who seems to hate women as much as Rush Limbaugh, how can any woman really be accepting of the misogynistic health risks that women are now being subjected to in this country?
Since 2010 When the Republicans and their zealot cousins in the Tea Party flooded into state legislatures, as well as the US Congress, over 1100 laws have been proposed and or passed to restrict a woman’s right to abortion and birth control. These people are serious. Do you think this has anything to do with protecting women’s health? No. The number one killer of women in this country of child baring age prior to Roe V Wade, was botched abortions. These legislators, predominately male, have no regard for a women's health and safety. Their primary concern is infusing their archaic religious dogma into our cultural norms.
Restricting women’s access to safe and legal abortions puts women’s lives in serious danger.
Every day, every hour there are events going on that impact our lives. And we have to pay attention. Something really dangerous has came into play these past few years. The overwhelming and insidious intermingling of religion into our politics. We have historically been very clear in our separation of church and state. Even the Republican God, Ronald Reagan said, “We establish no religion in this country. We command no worship. We mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are and must remain separate.” Article VI of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution states that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States. This is to ensure that we maintain our country as a democracy and not a theocracy.
Theocracy is a form of government in which a religious deity or god, is officially recognized as the civil Ruler and official policy and laws are made based on the belief system in that deity. The word theocracy originates from the Greek meaning "the rule of God".
We’re always told that ‘Religion and politics’ should not be discussed in ‘polite company’. I’m probably a little too opinionated to ever be considered polite company. We have a real problem in this country. And we can’t dance around the GOP elephant in the living room. And it’s not the right wing zealots who are screaming about their freedom of religion while stripping us of ours. it’s the rest of us who are cowering when we’re accused of not being ‘religious enough’. In the past few years, the Republicans and their Tea Party cousins, have taken their religion and shoved it down our throats and we continue to dance around the issue. Are we afraid to piss off God… or Ted Cruz?
I remember exactly when I stopped believing in organized religion. When I became educated and free thinking and looked beyond the dogma that I had been spoon fed. I was in college and writing a paper on the women’s suffrage movement. And as usual I went off on a hundred other tangents in my research and really started learning about the history of women in the church. In just about every religion women have been subjugated to roles that are basically chattel. No voice, no self determination, deemed by the church to be the origin of the original sin and nothing more than seductresses who lead men astray. Seriously. This is women in the history of the church. My mother immediately had a heart attack when I made the announcement that I could no longer believe in a religion that obviously hated me.
And it is that misogynistic tyranny that the right wing have brought in to politics in recent years. The Republicans in their efforts to turn the American Government into a Theocracy, have seized control of our consciousness and made us fear for our mortal souls if we rebel. …. Very similar to what happened in the Dark Ages when progress stopped and society became embroiled in religious superstition and ruled by the church. Moral standards weren’t any higher, they killed and tortured and stole and prevented any scientific knowledge from development.
Their whole objection to marriage equality is that it is against their religious beliefs that marriage is between one man an one woman. Marriage is a legal contract between two individuals. It has nothing to do with religion…. Unless you make a choice to go off and have a church ceremony…. The state issues a marriage license and it is the state that recognizes that contract or dissolves that contract in the cases of divorce. Historically women have again pretty much been used as chattel in marriage. A woman would be given from the father to the husband in exchange for property or titles. So this moral objection to marriage equality based on the sanctity of marriage is a new evolution. There was no moral outrage when women were traded for property.
The GOP is about forcing religious doctrine on to Americans and turning this country into a Theocracy instead of a democracy. Women’s lives are endangered when they have restricted access to abortion and birth control. Period.
The Christian right scream that their rights are being denied and trampled upon and yet have such callus disregard for the way they deny others their freedom. That is a theocracy. The great thing about being pro-choice is that you don’t have to believe in abortion, you just have to accept that America is a Democracy and not a Theocracy and that you don’t get to make that personal choice for every woman in America.
The Republican lawmakers do not have clear boundaries between the misogynistic fanatics like Rush Limbaugh or the fire and brimstone preacher on the pulpit. They incorporate these twisted views into their politics and then pass laws that force the rest of America to live by their fanatical rules. They are working to incorporate this ‘mandate from god’ into our government. Keep Jesus out of my Vagina as a friend of mine likes to say.
Why do women vote against their own self interest? I have heard so many times that the Republicans are the ‘fiscally’ responsible party. How absurd is that? Forbes magazine listed the top five worst Presidents for the economy… guess which party held 4 of the 5 spots? Yep, the Republicans. George W. Bush was number 1 worst president ever for our Economy and his daddy was number two, of course in all fairness Bush Sr did get stuck with Reagan’s mess. Then they were followed on the list by Nixon, Eisenhower and then Truman. Seems that the GOP fiscal policies of giving tax breaks to the rich and boosting income inequality for the rest of us, isn’t a very sound fiscal practice.
Supporting abortion rights isn’t a moral sin that is going to damn you to hell for all time. And the owner of Hobby Lobby should not be allowed to dictate that his religious views outweigh every woman in America who have a right to access affordable birth control through their health insurance companies.
As long as I live, I will never understand religious objections to birth control. That way of thinking is as misogynistic as it gets. Deny a woman birth control so that you can control her sexual behaviors. Not only sexist, but stupid and impractical. I heard someone say once that if men got pregnant, birth control would be dispensed like Pez candy.
Complacency is Complicity. We have allowed the religious zealots on the right to co-op religion. It’s as if they are they only ones that know how to define it and any one who disagrees is a liberal moral degenerate. We have to stop cowering under the attacks of these bullies. And make no mistake that is exactly what has become the platform of the GOP. Bully until you get what you want and scream that your religious freedom is being jeopardized while you trample the hell out of everyone else’s rights. The religious wackos aren’t going to change, but those of us in the center and to left of crazy, have to stop allowing ourselves to be intimidated.
When I was 16 and getting my driver’s license, my driving instructor purposely took me down a dead end street and I didn’t even realize it until I couldn’t go any further. He told me that I couldn’t be a myopic driver and that I had to pay attention to what was going on around me or I was going to keep finding myself on dead end streets. We have to stop being myopic citizens in this country. We have to look around and pay attention. Women's rights will continue to be eroded until we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.